Systematic Theologies
The Bible contains many different types of writing, including history, poetry, law, proverbs and letters. And these were written by many different sorts of people over a period of perhaps 2000 years or so. It can be difficult to track down what it teaches about a given subject. However, there are quite a few books that aim to present what the Bible teaches in a thematic and ordered way. These are generally called systematic theologies.
Wayne Grudem helpfully defines systematic theology as
... any study that answers the question, "What does the whole Bible teach us today?" about any given topic. This definition indicates that systematic theology involves collecting and understanding all the relevant passages in the Bible on various topics and then summarizing their teachings clearly so that we know what to believe about each topic.
As long as we don't put these books at a higher level than the King of Books they can be extremely useful.
The following are recommended. Thanks again to Luke Jenner for the initial list.
First some general volumes:
Ultimate Realities | Robert M Horn | IVP |
Summary of Christian Doctrine | Louis Berkhoff | Banner of Truth |
A Faith to Live By | Donald MacLeod | Mentor |
Systematic Theology | Wayne Grudem | IVP |
Bible Doctrine | Wayne Grudem | IVP |
Foundations of the Christian Faith | James M Boice | IVP |
Other books deal with particular aspects of the Bible's message. The following authors are also recommended. I've mentioned one each of their books, but their other titles are also worth exploring.
J I Packer | Knowing God | Hodder & Stoughton |
John Murray | Redemption Accomplished and Applied | Banner of Truth |
John Stott | The Cross of Christ | IVP |
Stuart Olyott | The Three Are One: What the Bible Teaches About the Trinity | Evangelical Press |
A W Pink | The Sovereignty of God | Banner of Truth |
J Gresham Machen | What is Faith? | Banner of Truth |
A W Tozer | The Knowledge of the Holy | Authentic Lifestyle |
John Piper | The Pleasures of God | Christian Focus Publications |
Edward Donnelly | Heaven and Hell | Banner of Truth |
See also: Bible Introduction and Overview, Bible Commentaries, Contemporary Issues, Biography and History, Devotional